Research the remote mirroring technology material application in HIS backup for disater emergency response base on HIS framework and requirement of backup for disater; ⑤依据病院信息体系的架构和容灾需求研讨了遥程镜像技术在病院信息体系灾备应急响应的详细应用;
An emergency multimedia communication technology which is used in mine rescue has features of paroxysm in time, indetermination in place, complicacy in landform and interaction in information, a high requirement of transmission and exchange is proposed. 矿山救援应急多媒体通信同时兼有时间的突发性、地点的不确定性、地形的复杂性和信息的交互性等特点,对信息的传输和交换都提出了更高的要求。
It showed that the emergency gate can close down safely in hydrodynamic conditions and the design capability of the hoist can also meet the design requirement. 结果表明该事故闸门可以动水关闭,启闭机的设计容量满足动水关闭要求。
Through the analysis of requirement of self-start up of plat firm power supply net and emergency generator unit, combining the design requirement of existing status of plat firm equipments and distribution system, time sequence figure programme, PLC change on existing equipments is taken. 通过对平台供电电网以及应急发电机组自启动要求的分析,结合平台装备现状、配电系统的设计要求,运用时序图编程法,对现有设备进行了PLC改造。
The relevant emergency departments and emergency team, the style and ways of alarming and emergency communication, the requirement and distribution of emergency responding facilities and equipments are set up based on the geographic position, passage condition and traffic flow and accident category. 根据洋山港的地理位置、航道条件以及进出船舶的情况,划分事故等级,在相应的等级基础上建立应急指挥部门和应急队伍,报警通讯的手段与方式,应急设备的要求和分布。
Research the structure of city safety plan and emergency database and the relationship of data structure and data; Accomplish the requirement analysis and design of city safety plan and emergency database. 主要研究城市安全规划及应急数据库基本组成、数据结构及其数据关系,完成城市安全规划及应急数据库需求分析和设计。
Based on the existing railway emergency communications network, service situation and practical requirement, the overall frame of the integrated transmissions systems for the railway emergency communications is proposed. The service and third grade management frame are implemented. 本文在分析现有铁路应急通信网络及其业务现状的基础上,结合铁路应急通信的实际需求,构建了铁路应急通信综合传输系统的总体框架、业务实现框架和三级管理框架。
The higher vocational colleges should change their outdated modes of thinking, take the market as the guidance, improve the emergency ability to social requirement, and strengthen their kernel completions. 高职应改变其陈旧的观念,以市场为导向,提高对社会需求的应变力,增强高职院校的核心竞争力。
To strengthen the public crisis management, establish and improve the emergency rescue system is the inherent requirement for constructing harmonious society, the inevitable choice for constructing public service government. 全面加强公共危机管理,建立和完善应急救援体系,是构建社会主义和谐社会的内在要求,是广大人民群众最现实、最关切、最直接的利益所在,是构建公共服务型政府的必然选择。
The Time Distribution of Emergency Operation and its Requirement for Nursing Management 急诊手术时间分布规律对护理管理工作的启示
However, most of existing emergency plans are made up of text of which theoretical significance is bigger than practical significance. Their operability is poor, and they can not meet the requirement of controlling the accident. 但现行的应急预案大多以文字为依托,理论意义大于实际意义,可操作性差,不能达到控制事故的要求。
Establish comprehensive and rational emergency plan system is the premise and requirement to improve the capability of emergency response, and the railway transport safety requires that. 建立全面、合理的应急预案体系,是提高应急处置能力、减少人员伤亡和经济损失的前提,也是铁路运输安全的要求。
Perfect and effective railway emergency management system is the inevitable requirement for rail transport safety. 完善有效的铁路应急管理体系是铁路运输安全的必然要求。
A well-established natural disaster emergency management system is of great theoretical and practical significance for the local government and is the necessary requirement and important guarantee in reacting effectively to natural disasters. 自然灾害应急管理体系的健全和完善对地方政府应对重大自然灾害具有重要的理论意义和实践意义,是有效应对自然灾害的必然要求与重要保障。
Disaster emergency management is the requirement of decreasing the losses of disasters and maintaining social stability. 旱灾的应急管理是减轻灾害损失和维持社会稳定的必要手段。
The fast post-earthquake repairing technique, which belongs to emergency salvage, calls for a high requirement for reconnaissance, design and construction of special engineering. 震后道路快速修复技术属于应急抢险,为特殊工程,对勘察、设计以及施工提出了很高要求。